Q. i teachh myself how to playy songs on the piano and guitar by knowing the notes and just trying to like put them together i guess you can say and i searched up for these notes everywhere and the ones i got were not good. so i need the exact letter notes. and if you could can you tell me how to play the note Ab? is that like A sharp?
A. okay. go to ultimate-guitar.com and search one time in the search box. im positive its there. youll have to go to the 2nd page and scroll down until you find his name. then you can open the song and it has 2 different versions. personally, i like the second one better.
if your wondering about a flat on piano, it is the same as g sharp. with any note, flat is down one key and sharp is up one key. idk about chords for the song. good luck!
what are the chords in baby by justin bieber on the piano?
A. http://megachords.com/piano/music/162852/baby.htm
That site takes you exactly to it. :)
Which is easier to play, piano or guitar?
Q. I've been playing piano ever since I was 14, and I'm 17 now. I really enjoy it and find is super easy. About 4 months ago, I also started learning guitar, and I'm finding it absolutely impossible. The frets, the chords, the pick, none of it makes sense to me. It hurts my fingers to play it and I get confused every 5 seconds. Yet I've seen plenty of pop singers play it with no problems whatsoever (e.g. Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Niall Horan, Katy Perry). Is the guitar known for being a genuinely difficult instrument?
A. Well, you've been playing piano for almost four years and guitar for four months, so there is that (of course piano is going to be easier for you because you've practiced it a lot more).
I play both. Making a simple sound on a piano is easier, it's literally as easy as pushing a button, and while it may be harder to make a clean sound on a guitar, there are things about the guitar that make it relatively easy to play too. Guitar chords sound nice and they are relatively easy once you learn the hand positions.
Guitar also requires that you build up callouses on your fingertips, and once you do that it will be a lot easier and less painful.
Once you learn a few basic chords, you can do a lot with them. The arrangement of the strings on the guitar make it so you can make a pleasing sound (chord) with a single strum. With only three or four chords, you can play along to many rock or country songs, or, if you like to sing, like I do, it's relatively easy to accompany yourself. You can sing a lot of songs with only knowing a few chords.
Making a single sound on a piano is easy, but to play 'music' on the piano takes a little more effort. Often piano music is a lot more complex (though of course guitar music can be complex too).
It all depends on what kind of music you want to play.
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Title : piano or guitar notes for one time by justin bieber?
Description : Q. i teachh myself how to playy songs on the piano and guitar by knowing the notes and just trying to like put them together i guess you ca...