Q. Does anyone know the inversions for the minor chords on piano,if you do could you tell me? thanks :)
A. a minor is A, C, E in root position, C, E, A in first inversion, and E, A, C in second inverstion.
e minor is E, G, B in root position, G, B, E in first inversion, and B, E, G in second inversion.
b minor is B, D, F# in root position, D, F#, B in first inversion, and F#, B, D in second inversion.
f# minor is F#, A, C# in root position, A, C#, F# in first inversion, and C#, F#, A in second inversion.
c# minor is C#, E, G# in root position, E, G#, C# in first inversion, and G#, C#, E in second inversion.
g# minor is G#, B, D# in root position, B, D#, G# in first inversion, and D#, G#, B in second inversion.
eb minor is Eb, Gb, Bb in root position, Gb, Bb, Eb in first inversion, and Bb, Eb, Gb in second inversion.
bb minor is Bb, Db, F in root position, Db, F, Bb in first inversion, and F, Bb, Db in second inversion.
f minor is F, Ab, C in root position, Ab, C, F in first inversion, and C, F, Ab in second inversion.
c minor is C, Eb, G in root position, Eb, G, C in first inversion, and G, C, Eb in second inversion.
g minor is G, Bb, D in root position, Bb, D, G in first inversion, and D, G, Bb in second inversion.
d minor is D, F, A in root position, F, A, D in first inversion, and A, D, F in second inversion.
Give me a basis or chords to write a minor piano song?
Q. Okay, so, its Christmas soon and I wanna write my bf a short song on piano. I really don't know how to start or how to write a good melody line or anything!! >.<
Can someone pleaseee give me some tips or a few minor-ish chords that will go together?
Thanks a bunch ^-^
A. A minor is probably easiest on piano.
A minor, D minor, E minor OR E7.
A minor is made up of A,C,E notes.
D minor is D,F,A.
E minor is E,G,B... though you could use the E7 to resolve more strongly back to A minor.
E7 is made of E, G#, B, D... working very strongly with the G# as the lowest note.
You might want to end the song with an A major chord, too: A, C#, E.
The "Picardy third" effect is a nice touch.
I need help with G minor piano chords?
Q. One of the well known chords in G minor with the piano is GM, E flat, B flat, F. I want the chord to go down again after the B flat instead of up, what chord do I use?
I don't actually play the piano but I know what the chord would sound like, so as you can imagine it would be very hard for me to work out. This is for a composition I am making
Thanks, please note all possible chords that would go down after that!
I'm playing in G minor which isn't jazzy lol, but thanks :)
A. I don't know what you're trying to sound like, but here are some jazzy/gospel sounding chords.
Key: Left Hand / Right Hand
â I would use an Am 7 #5 after the Bb back to the Gm.
Am 7 #5: G-D-F / G-C-F
â Also after the Bb, I would use an A half dim 7 chord back to the G.
LH: A-C# / RH: F#-A-C-Eb
â Or a ii-V-i back to Gm from the Bb.
Am7 b5 â D #5#9 â Gm
Am7 b5: A-C# / G-C-Eb
D #5#9: D-A-C / F#-Bb-C-F
I hope this helps.
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