Q. So my friend's electric keyboard has a chord-finder, I guess you could call it.
I think whenever she plays something on the keyboard it tells here what chords she's playing.
Well, I just started playing keyboard and I'm using tutorials off of youtube.
But I would really like to know what chords I'm playing so I can play the songs I learn on my guitar as well.
My question is, this "chord-finder" that's built into my friends keyboard; can you buy them seperately?
A. Not unless your keyboard is software upgradeable and the company decides to implement that feature. Quite honestly, those things are never very accurate.
It's easy enough to learn basic chord construction, then you can figure out what you're playing on your own and won't need to rely on software to give you erroneous chord names.
There are also several little things online where you can enter in the different notes you are playing it it will tell you what chord it is. Again, it's often not very accurate.
^ there's one you can try, but as I said, it's not terribly accurate.
Help with learning the guitar?
Q. Well I have been playing the guitar for about a year now, and the only thing i have really go to grasps with, (i'm self taught) is how to play about 8 chords. The chords I know, I learned to play songs because I just wanted to get stuck in. Does anyone have any information for me, to help me know what i need to learn? Should I learn power chords, scales, how to read tabs better, strumming, timing. I'm really stuck on what to learn.
Oh and lester G, My friend is self taught and he cna literally play "eruption" and "through the fire and the flames" without even looking, and I did start off with lessons, and my teacher even recommended self teaching.
A. I could have given you more chords to look at but try these and the one you like best, put it in your favorites so you can find it again. Email me if there is something else about the guitar and I will try to find the answer for you.
www.guitarconsultant.com/guitarchords.html - Cached
Free Guitar Chords - Cyberfret.com Guitar Chord Lessons and ...
Free guitar lessons covering how to play guitar chords. Guitar Chord Finder - This free program will help you easily find the guitar chord you are looking for. ...
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How long did it take you to become really really good at guitar?
Q. And do you have any general tips to improve? Barre cords are giving me the most trouble.
A. I learnt guitar inside a year and won first place in a contest. I have to admit I practiced 7 to 12 hours a day every day.
As for your barre chords, practice them in the 5th fret position and then move down towards the fingerboard nut. The thumb has to be placed in a way so that it acts as a clamp on the fingerboard just like a Capo does. And the first joint has to be bent a little. Make sure the thumb is extended a little to the left if the index.
Just don't squeeze your finger and expect this to help. As you squeeze the fingerboard, twist your hand slightly clockwise while fingering. This will apply enough pressure for your barre chords to sound clean.
Lastly, make sure your fingers are curved like hammers hitting a string of a piano.
Here is a link to give you an idea
BUT, dont put your index finger luike he is doing . That is wrong and hinders your ring finder from lifting. Keep the pinky AWAY from the fingerboard and lifted as if ready to hit a note.
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Title : My friend had this built into her electric keyboard..?
Description : Q. So my friend's electric keyboard has a chord-finder, I guess you could call it. I think whenever she plays something on the keyboard...