Q. I began playing piano yesterday, and I am already quite exceptional, however just this afternoon into the evening I have been experiencing slight pains in my left hand while executing V7 and Tonic Chords. Why could this be happening, as I am performing the chords well. How could I prevent this pain, and why is it occurring?
A. I have played piano my whole life and I'm not young. You can't just go at it, no matter age. Your fingers need a slow warm up for 20 minutes before you start on faster playing, even chords. It doesn't matter what you play, you need to warm up with finger exercises for the piano. Go very slowly for the first 20 minutes. If you jump right into playing you can injure yourself. Your fingers have small muscles in them and yes, they need to be built up and strengthened.
Guitar Chords?
Q. OK so i started playing guitar yesterday and wanna know how to play chords like what do i press?
A. The former advice is correct get a beginer book and it will show how to hold notes on the guitar, what those notes are, and how to tell what notes they are as well as basic chords, another thing you might want to note and be able to understand (people will respect you more) is that music is all the same if you talk to someone who plays the piano, bass, or any other instrument that plays chords which is most it is all the same, chords are not spelled diffrently from one instrument to the next the only thing that changes is technique.
a good start would be for you to look up all the notes on the guitar.... then know the circle of fiths and then the scales to each .... it goes like this and there are only 12
C major - C D E F G A B C
G major - G A B C D E F# G
D major - D E F# G A B C# D
A major - A B C# D E F# G# A
E major - E F# G# A B C# D# E
B major - B C# D# E F# G# A#
The first six should be enough to confuse you and keep you busy for a while....
if you look closely you will see that the next key always has one more sharp (#) than the one before, you can find out which is next by finding the 5th from the root (i.e. C to G, G to D, D to A, ect.)
I can even get you started on chords too...
for all major scales like the ones above the pattern will always be... Major=M minor=m Deminished=D
M m m M M m D
you build chords by forming "triads"
for example C Major Chord is spelled C-E-G
to make it minor you simply lower the third which is E to D#
if you have anymore questions?: simplyredx111@yahoo.com
easiest beatles song to play on piano.............?
Q. i want to begin playing piano and i want to play a beatles song which is easiest.
A. i've personally made up my own version to eleanor rigby so id recommend that as the easiest
yesterdays good too, not too hard
also ob-la-di ob-la-da. theres a guy on youtube that teaches you chord by chord, note by note, how to play beatles songs the easy way. id check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_usHW3aFIMg
and just continue looking at the same guys videos
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Title : Left hand hurts after piano-playing session?
Description : Q. I began playing piano yesterday, and I am already quite exceptional, however just this afternoon into the evening I have been experienci...