Q. I've tried play piano today, but I can't seem to find the "Rythmic Patterns" course. It only has the demo, and no link to where I could see or even buy "Rythmic Patterns". It's really the course for me, I want to memorize chords and start playing piano by ear. Is there anything similar to that? Maybe on YouTube?
A. Check out "How to Speed Read Piano Chord Symbols" by Nathan Andersen. You can download preview chapters at http://www.patternpiano.com/
He has some related sites that offer free piano chords resources:
There are interactive piano chord charts, printable charts and lots of cool free tools.
Good luck with it.
Is there a website that has information or a guide to different Piano chords?
Q. I've been practicing the piano/keyboard recently and was wondering if there is a website that has information/references on the different chords that are featured in sheet music? I only know a few but there are some that I just have no idea on. Let me know if you can help.
A. Tons of 'em!
Use Google.com to search:
piano chords
and have at 'em! There are also printable charts which are good to help you memorize all the chords.
Help with learning the guitar?
Q. Well I have been playing the guitar for about a year now, and the only thing i have really go to grasps with, (i'm self taught) is how to play about 8 chords. The chords I know, I learned to play songs because I just wanted to get stuck in. Does anyone have any information for me, to help me know what i need to learn? Should I learn power chords, scales, how to read tabs better, strumming, timing. I'm really stuck on what to learn.
Oh and lester G, My friend is self taught and he cna literally play "eruption" and "through the fire and the flames" without even looking, and I did start off with lessons, and my teacher even recommended self teaching.
A. I could have given you more chords to look at but try these and the one you like best, put it in your favorites so you can find it again. Email me if there is something else about the guitar and I will try to find the answer for you.
www.guitarconsultant.com/guitarchords.html - Cached
Free Guitar Chords - Cyberfret.com Guitar Chord Lessons and ...
Free guitar lessons covering how to play guitar chords. Guitar Chord Finder - This free program will help you easily find the guitar chord you are looking for. ...
www.cyberfret.com/chords/index.php - Cached
Guitar Chords 247 - Free Chord Charts and Printable Chord Sheets
Browse our guitar chords database of over 38,000 guitar chord charts. Create custom printable chord sheets of your favorite chord combinations.
www.guitarchords247.com - Cached
free guitar chords charts books for EADGBE tuning
EADGBE tuning free guitar chords charts and fingerboard chart books, guitar scales, music scales, help with M.A.M.I. musical scales atlases: free downloads
mamimusic.com/03-guitar-e-a-d-g-b-e-tuning/... - 167k - Cached
Complete Chord Charts for Guitar and Piano; Free Guitar Chord ...
Publishes and distributes reference charts and books for musicians, music students, and music teachers featuring a color chart showing all guitar chords in all keys.
www.completechords.com - Cached
Basic Guitar Chords
Easy songs and free guitar lessons for beginners on guitar. Learn the chords, AND the best way to change them! Lots more...
guitarprinciples.com/.../Chord_Songs/chords_basic.htm - Cached
Get the Lowest Prices on Authentic Jazz Guitar Chords with ...
Unlike the unlicensed and pirated free guitar chords on the Internet, the guitarinstructor.com jazz guitar chords are completely authentic.
www.guitarinstructor.com/FreeGuitarChords.jsp -
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Title : Free online piano lessons?
Description : Q. I've tried play piano today, but I can't seem to find the "Rythmic Patterns" course. It only has the demo, and no link...