Q. i'm really confused i know how to read notes but i don't know where can i find the chords..i need to know how can i play this...i'm still a beginner when it comes to piano ...where can i can find the chords in the music sheet... so...pls help
A. Depends on what you mean by chords... a chord is a set of two or more notes lined up perfectly. When you come to a chord playing piano, you simply hit both/all the keys with the same hand at the same time. It takes a lot of practice to get it right. :)
Also, on some sheet music, there are chords (mostly used for guitar) above the notes. For example, it may say Bmaj7. This means "B major 7th chord." Or, it could be simpler like Fm (F minor).
I play piano pretty much for a job, so if you would like to tell me the song you are playing i could make a tutorial for you maybe :)
www.youtube.com/lpwonder2008... just request what you want.
Hope this helped!
How do you read piano chords on sheet music?
Q. and how do you tell what chord they are and if they're major or minor?
(simple instuctions plz, I'm not very smart.)
A. A chord will appear in sheet music as multiple notes right above each other (on the same stem). In order to tell what chord you're looking at, you find the root of the chord. In order to do this, all three notes in the chord must be on a space, or all three must be on a line, like this:
You would then look at the lowest note in the triad, which would be the root of the chord. If it was a C, you would be dealing with a C chord. To determine whether it's major or minor (or augmented or diminished), you would look at the middle note in the triad. If it is a major third from the root of the chord, you have a major chord. Take a C scale for example: C D E F G A B C. The major third of a C chord is E. If the middle note in the triad is flat (in our C example, it would be Eb), you have a minor chord. If the middle note is sharp (in this case, E# or F), it is augmented. If the middle note is double-flat (Ebb or D), it is diminished.
In order to play the chord on the piano, you just play the notes that make up the chord simultaneously.
piano chords/ sheet music?
Q. I really like this cover but i can't seem to get the right chords/sheet music and i don't like the sheet music that is out there for this song. could anyone help? here is the link to the cover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p05rgPxCCOA thanks!
A. Chords "Flaws by Bastille (version 1)":
Chords "Flaws by Bastille (version 2)":
Chords "Flaws by Bastille (version 3)":
Chords "Flaws by Bastille (version 7)":
Chords "Flaws by Bastille - Sheet Music":
Cheers ebs
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Title : where can i find the chords in the piano music sheet?
Description : Q. i'm really confused i know how to read notes but i don't know where can i find the chords..i need to know how can i play this......