Q. Hello~ I was wondering if anyone could help me, I'm looking for the best website(s) to print out text about learning chords, etc. on the piano. I want to learn the basics about playing piano, and would like to print out information so I can study it when I'm not at the computer. I have a keyboard and have been getting a few hands on lessons from my boyfriend, but when we're not together I'd still like to learn. Thank you all.~
A. This page has a free 12 page printable file with basic piano chords:
If you want more instruction, check out "How to Speed Read Piano Chord Symbols" over at http://www.patternpiano.com/
You can print up the first couple of chapters for free.
Free online piano lessons?
Q. I've tried play piano today, but I can't seem to find the "Rythmic Patterns" course. It only has the demo, and no link to where I could see or even buy "Rythmic Patterns". It's really the course for me, I want to memorize chords and start playing piano by ear. Is there anything similar to that? Maybe on YouTube?
A. Check out "How to Speed Read Piano Chord Symbols" by Nathan Andersen. You can download preview chapters at http://www.patternpiano.com/
He has some related sites that offer free piano chords resources:
There are interactive piano chord charts, printable charts and lots of cool free tools.
Good luck with it.
Is there a website that has information or a guide to different Piano chords?
Q. I've been practicing the piano/keyboard recently and was wondering if there is a website that has information/references on the different chords that are featured in sheet music? I only know a few but there are some that I just have no idea on. Let me know if you can help.
A. Tons of 'em!
Use Google.com to search:
piano chords
and have at 'em! There are also printable charts which are good to help you memorize all the chords.
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Title : Learning piano beginner help?
Description : Q. Hello~ I was wondering if anyone could help me, I'm looking for the best website(s) to print out text about learning chords, etc. on...