Q. I know the B major is the notes B, D# and F#, but which fingers should I use? Obviously any way I play it wil feel uncomfortable at first, but what way do you think is the easiest?
A. Personally, I use my pinky, index finger, and thumb. I never had lessons or anything so I don't know if that how you're supposed to do it, but for me its the most comfortable. Maybe you can use your middle finger instead of your index if you wanted, depends on what chord you're coming from and what chord your going to next.
Can someone tell me some things I need to become proficient at guitar?
Q. Like to give me a general outline of what I'm supposed to be learning now and what's I'm supposed to know by next year.
Currently I can play a few songs, a bunch of riffs ( They're all mostly hard rock/grunge/alternative ),
and some parts of some songs.
I know these chords: A major/minor, D major/minor, E Major/minor, G major/minor, F major/minor, B major/minor.
I know the names of the open strings and up to five frets on each string.
I know how to write some basic chord ( i know a bunch of progressions and some i made myself) / power chord songs. I already know a bunch of theory since I played piano for two years before I started guitar.
I know the pentatonic major/minor scale, diatonic natural/harmonic/melodic minor scales ( can't understand how to implement the melodic minor scale. It just sounds weird) and the diatonic major scale.
I know a bunch of easy solos like smells like teen spirit, in bloom, we will rock you, bohemian rhapsody first solo etc.
I know a bunch of blues licks but still can't improvise a decent blues solo on the spot.
I want someone to just give me a general outline of what I'm supposed to learn for the summer.
Like a bunch of points.
I've been currently playing for about 2 and a half months.
Please I need an answer. I'm completely lost. Currently I'm just learning songs and solos and don't know what else to learn.
Will choose a best answer!
A. Work on what is known as the Chromatic Scale. It is a fret-by-fret notation system that will teach you where all the notes, by name, that are on the fretboard. I'll give one example as pertaining to the E strings.
The open string is E.
1st fret: F
2nd fret: F# or Gb
3rd fret: G
4th fret: G# or Ab
5th fret: A
6th fret: A# or Bb
7th fret: B
8th fret: C
9th fret: C# or Db
10th fret: D
11th fret: D# or Eb
12th fret: E
Start on any of the open strings and make notes on what you learn.
What are the notes/ fingerings for these arpeggios on piano?
Q. What are the notes for C major C minor G major F major A minor D minor? Please help by telling me the notes or directing me to a website about piano chords, arpeggios or broken chords.
A. Arpeggios , as I'm sure you know are the notes of a chord played consecutively rather than together. So for C major you would play (going up the scale)
C E G C,
then back down the scale.
C minor
C Dsharp F
G major
F major
A minor
D minor
The fingerings for arpeggios are (right hand) thumb, 3rd finger, little finger 3rd finger, thumb.
or thumb, 3rd finger, thumb little finger, thumb, 3rd finger thumb.
Here are some useful sites (be sure to look at other pages than the ones directly linked.)
and for some fun
Happy playing.
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Title : Which fingers on my left hand should I use to play a B major on the piano?
Description : Q. I know the B major is the notes B, D# and F#, but which fingers should I use? Obviously any way I play it wil feel uncomfortable at firs...