A. Where can I find rock & pop questions asked in the rock & pop category?
piano chords to this song?
Q. Okay I'm looking for piano chords to jar of hearts and the artist posted them on her blog but I don't understand them so if anyone knows them or can figure out what the artist posted I'll leave the link to her post so yeah thanks
A. http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/c/christina_perri/jar_of_hearts_crd.htm
This website has the chords. For example it says Bm-which means a B minor chord ( b d f-sharp). If you do not know your chords you can look them up online, for example, http://www.piano-lessons-info.com/chart-of-piano-chords.html
Start out by playing the chords and putting the root (in the example of B minor chord, the root would be B) in the left hand. Then listen to the song and fill in some filler notes/rhythmic patterns from there. I hope some of this information is helpful.
Piano Jar of Hearts chords sheet?
Q. I am looking to learn Jar of Hearts on piano, but can only find notes sheets. Does anyone know where I can find a chords sheet for the music? Free?
Thanks in advance
A. Google it (Jar of Hearts chords) and you should find several guitar sites that give you the chords above the lyrics - the person who wrote out everything is pretty close so I would go with that. Since you did write this in the classical section, I thought maybe I'd throw this out there - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idr8oNFNVtI It's sort of a mash-up of Jar of Hearts and Chopin Nocturne in c minor...just something different to hear. Maybe it'll inspire you to change up the chords instead of sticking with the original.
Good luck.
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Title : Where can I find piano chords for Jar Of Hearts by Christina Perri?
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