Q. I wanna learn How to play piano Chords? can you suggest me any website to learn it instantly or fastly.
A. A piano or a keyboard and some motivation.Oh, and some knowledge about the piano keyboard. If you're not familiar with the basics of the piano such as the piano keys names look up for it in the beginner piano course.
Are you now familiar with the piano keys names? Then let's go!
What's a chord really?
A Chord is a combination of at least three notes which gives us an impression of a sound.
The chords are named after the big letters of the ABC. The different Letters state the basic note of the chord and according to the symbles next to it we can tell which we should press in order to produce that specific chord we're looking for.
When we play a sequence of chords we play the HARMONY of the whole song.Later on, after we'll learn to form different chords we will talk about the rules of harmony. Or in other words, how each chord is related to the other.
In our lessons we're going to learn about chords in two levels. The intuitive level and the theoretical level.
In the intuitive level we will try to form the chords by ear according to the nature of their sounds.
In the theoretical level we will see how the chords are built in a logical manner.
Combining these two aspects is the real and ultimate way to learn to play piano chords.
In the basic piano chord lessons we're going to cover four main chord types. We'll begin with the Major Chords. Then we'll learn about the minor chords. Afterward we'll discuss the diminished chords and finally we'll talk about the augmented Chords When we're through with that we'll learn to createChord Inversions and we'll end-up with learning to read and play slash chords.
Help with writings ukulele chords for songs?
Q. So I have written these three short songs, almost verses really, and I know how the melody goes and everything but how can I put ukulele chords to them? If the starting note is a C then do I play a C chord on my ukulele??
Also, are piano chords the same as ukulele chords? So if there were an Em chord on the piano, would an Em chord on the ukulele be the same?? (Obviously not the same tone etc but hopefully you get what I mean :) )
Thanks for your help!
A. Music is a general rule across instruments.
An Em chord will always consist of E, G and B, while a C major chord will always consist of C, E and G. Also, a C chord could also be rewritten as a second inversion Em5#(meaning E minor with a raised fifth).
But yeah, a chord on piano, guitar, flute, uke, harp--they all consist of the same notes.
As far as the first part of this question goes, there are several types of harmony.
There is inside harmony, which is where, if a C chord is played, one of the notes C, E or G would be played. This has a heavy feeling of harmony.
Outside harmony is where, if your leading chord were in the key of C, then you would play any of the notes of the C major scale except the ones in the chord being played(with a C chord being played, D, F, A or B would be the harmony note). This makes the lead note sound like it 'needs' to be resolved inside the chord, meaning it is good for expressive harmonies.
Lastly, against harmony is where the lead note sits outside the scale being used(in the key of C, any sharps or flats are 'against'). It can make a note feel sad, lonely, or aggressive, depending on what note against what chord.
I hope this helps and I hope I didn't confuse you too much, as I'm not good at trying to explain music stuff.
How do you convert guitar chords to Piano notes?
Q. I am needing to know how to convert guitar chords to piano notes. I need to know how to do this because sometimes when our band plays music we can only find guitar chords and i need the notes for piano. like i need these guitar chords as piano notes. (G#5, C5, A#5, D#5)
A. Well, there are two ways -
the first is to find the chord on your guitar and find the notes that each finger is on. So, using your G#5 chord - your index finger is on the 4th fret, low E string, your ring finger is on the 6th fret, A string. So you count up on the guitar itself - G# on the pointer, D# on the ring. So, the G#5 chord is G# and D#. You will need to know the chord shapes to do this, as well as the step differences between notes to count right.
The second is to use music theory. Every chord (with the exception of power chords) uses 3 or more notes. The most basic chord is called a triad. It consists of a root note, 3rd, and 5th. If you know the scale that you are using, find the note you want, then move up two notes for your 3rd, and another for your 5th. For example, lets say your are in the key of G major and I needed to know the Amin chord. The scale is G A B C D E F# G. So i'd start on A, my 3rd would be C and my 5th would be E. ACE. For "5"/power chords, do the same thing, but only count the 5th note. So, your C5 would be a C and a G.
The above method ONLY works if you use notes and chords inside of a scale. An example of how this won't work - in the G major scale, the "A" chord is minor, or Amin. If you were to try to use this for the AMaj chord, you would get the wrong notes.
For the triads, there is another way to find the notes: the fifth is always 7 half-steps from the root. In a minor chord, the 3rd is 3 half-steps away from the root. In a major chord, the 3rd is 4 steps from the root. For example, you'd find the Gmaj chord like this: the root, G, would be zero.......1-g# 2-a 3-a# 4-B......B is your major 3rd. 1-g# 2-a 3-a# 4-b 5-c 6-c# 7-D.......D your 5th. Your GMajor chord is GBD.
If I confused you - I'm sorry. Music theory is not the easiest thing to explain or understand. It is all mathematics and rules.......way too many rules to explain w/o writing a book.
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Title : How to play piano Chords? wanna learn to play piano Chords?
Description : Q. I wanna learn How to play piano Chords? can you suggest me any website to learn it instantly or fastly. A. A piano or a keyboard and so...